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Sally, UK

September 25, 2023

My Greek lessons with Anna are one of the highlights of my week and I feel very lucky to have found Anna as a tutor. Lessons are fun, relaxed and varied and I have learned a lot about Greek traditions and culture as well as making significant progress with the language. Anna is clearly very knowledgeable and I love her flexible and tailored approach. I would not hesitate to recommend her as a tutor.

Paul, UK

April 14, 2023

Anna is such a brilliant tutor that I sometimes think I'm just learning with a friend! Learning Greek feels so very natural with her, and I love every minute as I'm also learning more about the culture and the people from her, too.

Joanne, USA

March 29, 2023

Anna is an excellent tutor. She makes me feel extremely comfortable and she is very patient with me. I feel like I can make mistakes and laugh at them. Her teaching style is organized and professional. She will teach me words or grammar and then use them in sentences. She challenges me and I really like that. She assigns work for me which will reinforce our lesson. The hour she spends with me flies by. I am happy learning with Anna and getting to know her.

Chrysanthe, USA

March 24, 2023

Имао сам одлично искуство на часовима са Аном. Са њом је лако разговарати и веома је позитивна и охрабрујућа. Топло бих је препоручио свима који желе да уче грчки!

Angela, USA

March 16, 2023

Ана је НЕВЕРОВАТНА туторка. Помогла нам је да научимо писмо и читамо грчки док је радила са нама и на томе да говоримо језик. Она има много добрих алата и водича и веома је образована. Нисам могао да тражим бољег учитеља са којим би научио више грчког језика. Она је 10 од 10!

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Greek Language Lessons Learn Online with a Greek Native Tutor