Young learners

Young learners

The Greek Alphabet

Grammar and Vocabulary

Vocabulary Expansion

Remember that language learning is a journey, and progress may be slow at times.

Stay patient, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of discovering a new language and culture.

Good luck with your Greek language learning journey!

Овај ниво је за младе ученике који су завршили ниво 3 и који су већ развили солидну основу на грчком језику и спремни су да додатно унапреде своје вештине, течност и културно разумевање. Ово сугерише да ученици добро познају језик и да су способни да ефикасно комуницирају.

This course aims to foster overall language proficiency by addressing reading, writing, speaking, and grammar skills while also focusing on vocabulary expansion and providing practical contexts for language use. It also emphasises the ability to engage in conversations with native speakers on various topics, making it a comprehensive language learning experience.

This course is designed to further advance the Greek language skills of learners who have already reached a high level of proficiency. Here's a breakdown of what learners can expect to achieve in this course:

За напредне ученике који већ познају грчки језик.

This advanced course aims to refine and expand the language skills of learners who are already proficient in Greek. It covers a wide range of topics and prepares learners to communicate effectively in diverse and challenging situations, including emergencies. 

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Greek Language Lessons Learn Online with a Greek Native Tutor