Language Levels



  • Animals: Names of animals in Greek. We will practice describing animals and their characteristics.
  • Colours: Colours in Greek. We will practice describing objects by their colour.
  • Clothes: Clothing items and how to describe what you or others are wearing.
  • Days of the Week: The days of the week in Greek. We will practice talking about specific days and dates.
  • Seasons and Weather: Words and phrases related to seasons and weather conditions. We will practice discussing the weather and seasons.
  • Likes and Dislikes: Express your preferences and asking others about their likes and dislikes.
  • Numbers: Master the numbers in Greek. We will practice counting, performing basic arithmetic, and expressing quantities.
  • Cooking and Food: Food-related vocabulary and basic cooking terms. We will practice describing your favourite dishes and cooking processes.


  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Consistency is key. We will talk about setting aside dedicated time each day for language practice in reading and listening with materials that gradually increase in difficulty.
  • Months: Months and related words.
  • Celebrations: Various celebrations in Greece, including traditional festivals, holidays, and customs.
  • People & descriptions : How to describe people using adjectives (descriptive words) and practice on creating character descriptions. Students will develop their vocabulary and writing skills.


  • Reading : We will read short texts or stories related to the main topics. We will start with simple materials and gradually progress to more complex texts. Reading Greek texts will help you improve your comprehension skills and expose you to different sentence structures.
  • Listening: We will listen to Greek podcasts, and engage with Greek music. These activities will help you improve your listening skills and expose you to different accents and colloquial expressions.
  • Speaking: We will discuss topics related to your interests, such as your favourite sports, travel experiences, or even your profession. Regular speaking practice is essential for improving fluency.
  • Introduction to essay writing:
  • You will practice writing short essays or paragraphs about the main topics.  For example, describing your favourite clothing items, your home, a memorable celebration, or a recent trip. This will help you reinforce your vocabulary and grammar skills.



  •  Speaking Skills: Continuing to enhance spoken language skills, with a focus on fluency and accuracy. This involves discussions, presentations, and conversations on various topics.
  • Grammar Skills: Deepening your understanding of Greek grammar, including more advanced grammar rules and structures.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: Expanding your vocabulary to allow for more nuanced and complex expression.
  • Complex Sentence Construction: Learning how to create and use complex sentences effectively in both speaking and writing.
  • Cultural and Practical Topics: Covering a range of topics that might be useful in real-life situations, such as describing people, celebrations, telling stories, discussing media, talking about health, traveling, and addressing environmental issues.
  • Communication with Native Speakers: Building the confidence and skills necessary to communicate with native speakers comfortably, without feeling strained.


  • Grammar Skills: Advanced grammar topics will be covered to ensure learners have a thorough understanding of Greek grammar rules and can apply them accurately in both written and spoken communication.
  • Vocabulary Expansion: The course will continue to expand learners' vocabulary, encouraging the use of a wide range of expressions and idiomatic phrases to enhance their ability to communicate with nuance and precision.
  • Listening Comprehension: Learners will be challenged with more complex listening exercises, enabling them to understand spoken Greek in various contexts without any difficulty. This includes listening to native speakers and comprehending their speech effectively.
  • Cultural and Specialised Topics: The course will delve into specific topics like Greek culture, theatre performances, and the environment, providing learners with a deeper understanding of Greek society, history, and contemporary issues.
  • Communication with Native Speakers: By the end of this course, learners should be able to communicate with native Greek speakers effortlessly and without any strain, whether it's in everyday conversations or discussions on the more specialised topics covered in the course.


  • Vocabulary Expansion: The course will continue to expand learners' vocabulary, introducing them to advanced and specialised vocabulary related to the topics covered. This will allow learners to express themselves more precisely and fluently.
  • Listening Comprehension: Learners will be exposed to various listening exercises, including authentic materials and native speakers. The goal is to understand spoken Greek in diverse contexts, including complex and emergency situations.
  • Cultural and Specialised Topics: Learners will delve deeper into Greek culture, theatre, performances, and environmental issues. This cultural awareness will enrich their ability to engage in discussions and navigate real-life situations.
  • Emergency Communication: The course will provide training for learners to communicate effectively in emergency situations, ensuring they can seek assistance or provide important information when needed.
  • Speaking with Native Speakers: Learners will be prepared to speak with native Greek speakers with ease, even in complex or emergency situations. This involves mastering not only the language but also cultural nuances.

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