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The numbers in Greek from 1 - 10

Let's count in Greek - The numbers from one to ten

These numbers are fundamental for learning the Greek language and are essential for everyday communication and counting in Greek.

  • Ένα (eh nah): This is the Greek word for "one." It's the starting point for counting in Greek.
  • Δύο (thee oh): "Two" in Greek. When you want to say you have two of something, you'd use "δύο."
  • Τρία (tree ah): "Three." Use this when counting to three or referring to three items.
  • Τέσσερα (teh seh rah): "Four." It's the Greek word for the number four.
  • Πέντε (pen deh): "Five." Use this to indicate that you have five of something.
  • Έξι (ehk see): "Six." When counting to six or talking about six items, use "έξι."
  • Επτά (ehp tah ): "Seven." This is the number seven in Greek.
  • Οκτώ (ohk toh): "Eight." It's used to refer to the number eight.
  • Εννιά (eh neah): "Nine." Use "εννιά" when counting to nine or talking about nine things.
  • Δέκα (the kah): "Ten." This is the Greek word for the number ten.

In Greek, nouns, adjectives, and articles have gender, and this gender determines how you count and agree numbers with nouns. Greek nouns can be classified into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. When counting or using numbers with nouns, you need to make sure that the gender of the number and the gender of the noun match.

Here's how you typically match numbers with nouns in Greek:

  1. If the noun is masculine, use masculine forms of numbers. For example, "ένας άνθρωπος" (one man).
  2. If the noun is feminine, use feminine forms of numbers. For example, "μία γυναίκα" (one woman).
  3. If the noun is neuter, use neuter forms of numbers. For example, "ένα βιβλίο" (one book).

It's important to remember the gender of the noun you're referring to when using numbers in Greek, as this agreement is a key aspect of Greek grammar.

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