αυ = αφ ή αβ                                                                             ευ = εφ ή εβ

af or av                                                                                            ef or ev

These are the Greek letters alpha (αυ) and epsilon (ευ). They are not used as standalone words in Greek; rather, they are part of diphthongs.

In the case of "αυ," it represents the diphthong "av" or "af" in Modern Greek.

For example, the word "αυτοκίνητο" (ahf toh kee nee toh) means "car" in English.

These diphthongs are combinations of vowels that form a single, gliding sound. In terms of pronunciation, the exact sound can vary based on regional accents in Greece.

It's important to note that the use of these diphthongs is a fundamental aspect of the Greek language, and they contribute to the richness of its phonetics.

What actually happens here, is that "α" remains the same sound wise but the "υ" is being replaced by the sound "f" or "v" giving us the sounds "af" or "av" depending on the letter that follows.

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