
About me

Let's learn together and let the others say:

"It's all Greek to me!"

It's more than just tutoring!

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is Anna, and I am a native Greek speaker, originally from Corfu, Greece. However, England has been my home for almost twenty years now giving me first-hand knowledge of the language, mindset, and the city’s unique atmosphere.

Teaching is a passion! I teach both languages Greek & English in French, English, Italian.

What can I offer you? 

  • I am a native speaker.
  • I have vast experience teaching Greek to people of other cultures.
  • I speak English fluently; I know the mentality, the culture, and the peculiarities of the language, whether it is spoken or idiomatic and slang...
  • I can prepare you for all levels of Greek language proficiency certificates of the European Union.
  • Our lessons will be tailored to your needs, whether you are learning for pleasure, travel, communicating with friends and/or family, business, relocating, or exams.
  • I teach Greek in French, Italian, and English.
  • You can meet the tutor for a 45-minute trial lesson without obligation or commitment to continue with them to check if you are a good match for each other.
  • Flexibility: I can work around your schedule whenever possible.
  • Ongoing support: You can contact me for any questions you may have or for anything you cannot understand. I will adapt to your own learning style, pace, and needs.
  • Passion: Passionate about teaching you.
  • Professionalism: Professional and reliable.
  • Friendly, warm personality, and approachable to all.
  • Dedication: Dedication and encouragement until you reach your goals. 

 Like most of us, I have personal experience with the value of learning a foreign language whether professionally or personally but also of the challenges you must deal with… Greek can be as challenging as any other language, but you can learn to read and speak with the right approach and guidance; all it takes is patience and a desire to learn, and that’s why I am here for. To guide you and teach you throughout your learning journey. It doesn't matter your age, education, or cultural background; everyone can learn and explore the beauty of the Greek language. 


What does a typical lesson with me look like?

Many people would agree that living in the country where the language is spoken is the best way to learn it. Because this is not always possible, the other best option you could have would be through interactive and friendly conversations. 

My classes are relaxed, fun, friendly, and tailored to your individual needs!
Let us explore, through questions, chitchats, stories, videos, songs, etc., the fascinating world of the Greek language and culture.

 So come aboard!! 

Book a trial lesson with me; let's get to know each other and see if we hit it off!

      I am looking forward to meeting you!!

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Do you only teach online?

Yes, my lessons are provided only online.

What are your business hours?

I can work anytime that works for you and around your schedule, availability permitting.

Is Greek a difficult language?

While Greek may be considered challenging for some due to its different alphabet, complex grammar, and pronunciation, it is certainly learnable with dedication and practice. Many people successfully learn Greek, and your own experience may vary depending on your individual circumstances and language learning abilities. Like any language, it becomes more manageable with consistent effort and practice.

How long will it take me to learn Greek?

It's challenging to provide a specific timeframe for learning Greek. Some people can achieve basic conversational proficiency in a few months of dedicated study, while others may take a year or more to reach that level. To achieve a high level of fluency and proficiency in reading and writing, it often takes several years of consistent effort.

Remember that language learning is a gradual process, and there may be plateaus and periods of frustration along the way. The key is to stay motivated, set achievable goals, and continue practicing regularly. Additionally, seeking out opportunities to use the language in real-life situations, such as conversations with native speakers or travel to Greece, can greatly enhance your learning experience.

To acquire a new language, it's essential to allocate time for home study and make an investment in your language learning. Be cautious of individuals claiming to achieve fluency within a month or a year; such claims are often unreliable.

How many lessons a week should I take?

As a starting point, you might consider taking 2-3 lessons per week if you have the time and resources. This allows for regular practice and progress while still accommodating other commitments. However, some learners may choose to start with one lesson per week and gradually increase the frequency as they become more comfortable with the language.

It's essential to find a balance that works for you and keeps you motivated. Regular practice and exposure to the language are crucial for language acquisition, so consistency is key. Additionally, consider your instructor's recommendations and adapt your lesson frequency based on your progress and comfort level.

How long does the lesson last?

When determining the duration of your Greek language lessons, consider your personal learning style and attention span. Shorter, more frequent lessons might be suitable for some learners, while others may prefer longer, less frequent sessions. It's also important to communicate with your language tutor to find a schedule that works for both of you and aligns with your language learning goals.

Additionally, remember that language learning isn't limited to formal lessons. Practice and exposure to Greek outside of lessons, through activities like listening to Greek music, watching Greek films, or engaging in conversations with native speakers, are also important components of language acquisition.

How many hours a day / a week do I need to study?

It's important to note that the following estimates are only general guidelines, and individual results may vary based on factors such as your learning style, prior language learning experience, and the quality of your study materials. Additionally, language learning is not just about the number of hours but also about the effectiveness of your study sessions. To make the most of your study time, consider the following tips:

Diversify your study methods. Combine reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises to reinforce your skills.
Set clear, achievable goals. Define what you want to accomplish in your study sessions to stay motivated and focused.
Practice regularly. Consistency is key in language learning, so try to study a little bit each day rather than cramming all your study hours into one or two days.
Seek immersion opportunities. Engage with native speakers, watch Greek-language content, and expose yourself to the language as much as possible, whenever possible.
Use learning materials such as apps, textbooks, social media or other resources that are suitable for your level and learning style.
Ultimately, the number of hours you dedicate to studying Greek should align with your specific goals and what you're comfortable with while maintaining a sustainable study routine.

What books do I need to buy? Do you provide studying material?

I offer a comprehensive set of resources to enhance your language learning journey. These resources include eBooks, supplementary learning materials, and a variety of self-prepared, tailored practice activities.

These materials are thoughtfully designed to support your specific needs and help you make the most of your learning experience. I prepare activities to ensure that your language acquisition process is both effective and enjoyable.
Before purchasing any books or resources, it's a good idea to check with your Greek language tutor for specific recommendations that align with your learning goals and course curriculum. Additionally, consider your personal learning style and preferences when selecting materials to ensure they suit your needs. Everyone learns differently, so selecting resources that suit your needs will make the learning process more engaging and effective. By collaborating with your tutor and considering your own learning preferences, you'll be well-equipped to make the right choices for your language journey.

What is your way of teaching?

My way of teaching is relaxed, friendly, and conversational. I always work with my students and tailor our lessons to their individual needs. I try to make the class less stressful and as enjoyable as possible, and I use various personalised materials such as visual tools, audio, books, and short stories.   

My lessons are based on real-life situations such as “how to introduce yourself in Greek”, “order your favourite food”, “ask for directions,” and so on. As you progress, we will explore the colloquial expressions of the Greek language and the idioms, and we will discuss your favourite topics of conversation.

Do you provide lessons for all ages and levels?

Yes, I provide lessons that are tailored to each student’s individual needs. Together, we discuss what the best approach for you is. 

I provide lessons for all levels and prepare students for the Greek language proficiency certificates of the European Union if they so wish.

Kindly note that if students are under the legal age of 18, they must have permission from a legal guardian before booking.

Can I start learning Greek as a complete beginner?

Yes, I offer Greek lessons for complete beginners starting from scratch.

What is your approach to complete beginners?

If you are a complete beginner, the initial Greek lessons will focus on the basics; I will teach you how to read and understand the sounds of the Greek alphabet, combine syllables to formulate words, use the articles, and greet in Greek. “Kalimera”. We will have simple conversations, but as we go on, they’ll become more complicated: “Γειά σου, τι κάνεις;” (Yeah sou, ti kaneis;)

How do I know if the tutor is suitable for me?

Choosing the right tutor is crucial for your language learning journey.

Experience: Check the tutor's experience.

Teaching Style: Assess the tutor's teaching style. Some tutors focus on structured lessons, while others adopt a more conversational or immersive approach. Choose a style that aligns with your learning preferences.

Customization: A great tutor should tailor lessons to your specific needs and goals. They should take into account your skill level, interests, and any specific challenges you may have.

Communication Skills: The ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable way is vital. A good tutor should be patient, clear, and responsive to your questions.

Materials and Resources: Ask the tutor about the learning materials and resources they use. High-quality resources can significantly enhance your learning experience.

Availability: Determine the tutor's availability and scheduling flexibility. It's important that your schedules align to ensure regular lessons.

Feedback and Reviews: Seek feedback from previous students or read reviews if available. Positive testimonials and recommendations can provide insight into the tutor's effectiveness.

Trial Lesson: Many tutors offer trial lessons, allowing you to experience their teaching style and decide if it suits your needs before committing to regular lessons.

Goals and Expectations: Clearly communicate your language learning goals and expectations to the tutor. Ensure they are receptive to your objectives and can help you work toward them.

Cost: Consider your budget and the tutor's rates. Ensure that the cost aligns with the value you receive and is sustainable in the long term.

Compatibility: Lastly, consider your compatibility with the tutor. Feeling comfortable and having a good rapport with your tutor can greatly enhance the learning experience.

Remember that finding the right tutor may require trying out a few before you find the perfect match. Don't be afraid to explore different options until you find a tutor who meets your needs and helps you achieve your language learning goals.

Can I see the tutor’s availability?

Yes, the tutor’s availability is shown on the calendar when you choose the suitable time for your group or individual lesson.

If you can't find a convenient slot, please get in touch.

What if the tutor is a no-show?

Tutors are also human beings, and unexpected circumstances or emergencies can occur to them, too. We respect your time and money, and we are always punctual, but in the event of the unexpected, we will let you know as soon as possible, explaining the reason we will not be able to make it. 
In the event that your tutor doesn't show up for a scheduled lesson, although it can be frustrating, there are steps you can take to address the situation:

Wait a Little: Sometimes, tutors may be running a few minutes late due to unforeseen circumstances. Give them a reasonable grace period, typically around 10–15 minutes.

Contact the tutor: If the tutor doesn't show up within the grace period, try to contact them. Send a polite message or email to inquire about their absence and express your concern.

Reschedule: If the tutor offers a valid reason for their absence and is willing to reschedule the lesson at a time convenient for both of you, consider giving them another chance. Emergencies and scheduling issues can happen.

Set clear expectations: Discuss with the tutor their policy on missed lessons. It's important to clarify how missed lessons will be made up, whether through rescheduling or a refund.

Cancellation Policy: Review the tutor's cancellation policy. Some tutors may have a policy in place for missed lessons, outlining the consequences for no-shows or last-minute cancellations.

Seek a Refund: If the tutor doesn't provide a reasonable explanation or doesn't make an effort to reschedule, you may consider requesting a refund for the missed lesson. Be sure to follow any refund procedures outlined in your agreement.

It's essential to maintain open and respectful communication with your tutor, as they may have legitimate reasons for their absence.

Can the tutor decline future lessons with a student?

Yes, occasionally students and tutors don't seem to be a good fit, and the tutor may not feel comfortable teaching a specific student. In this situation, the tutor has the option to decline or refuse to offer additional tuition following the trial lesson. 

If a student believes that the tutor is not a good fit for them, they can simply refuse to schedule any additional classes with the tutor, no questions asked.
A tutor can decline future lessons with a student, but it's important to consider the circumstances and maintain professionalism in such situations. Here are some reasons why a tutor might decline to continue teaching a student:

Scheduling Conflicts: Tutors may have scheduling conflicts that prevent them from accommodating a student's preferred lesson times.

Incompatibility: Sometimes, a lack of compatibility in teaching and learning styles can lead to a less productive and frustrating learning experience for both the tutor and the student.

Non-Payment: If a student consistently fails to pay for lessons or breaches the agreed-upon payment terms, a tutor may choose to discontinue lessons.

Unprofessional Conduct: In cases of disrespectful, unprofessional, or inappropriate behavior by the student, a tutor may decide to terminate the tutoring relationship.

No-Show or Frequent Cancellations: If a student frequently fails to attend lessons or cancels last-minute without valid reasons, a tutor may choose not to continue with the student.

Violations of Terms and Conditions: Tutors may establish terms and conditions for lessons, including behavior expectations and payment terms. If a student repeatedly violates these terms, the tutor may decline future lessons.

It's important for both tutors and students to maintain open and respectful communication. If a tutor decides to decline future lessons, they should ideally provide a clear and professional explanation to the student.

What if I cannot attend my lesson?

If you cannot attend a scheduled lesson with your tutor, it's important to communicate this as early as possible and follow any cancellation or rescheduling policies established between you and your tutor. Here are steps to take if you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson:

Notify Your Tutor in Advance: As soon as you know you won't be able to attend the lesson, notify your tutor. This should ideally be done well in advance, at least 24 hours before the scheduled lesson.

Check Cancellation Policies: Review the cancellation and rescheduling policies that you and your tutor agreed upon when you started your lessons. Different tutors may have varying policies regarding missed or canceled lessons.

Reschedule: If possible, discuss with your tutor the option to reschedule the lesson for a later date or time that works for both of you. Some tutors are flexible and willing to accommodate rescheduled lessons.

Honor Any Cancellation Fees: If your tutor has a policy that includes a cancellation fee, be prepared to honor this fee if you cancel within the specified notice period. This is a common practice to compensate tutors for their time and commitment.

Be Respectful and Communicate: Always maintain open and respectful communication with your tutor. They may have other students and may need to rearrange their schedule due to your cancellation, so being considerate is essential.

Make Up for Missed Lesson: If you and your tutor agree to make up for the missed lesson, be sure to schedule and attend the makeup lesson as planned.

Learn from the experience: If you find that you are frequently unable to attend lessons, consider adjusting your schedule or discussing your availability with your tutor to find a more suitable arrangement.

Remember that a good tutor-student relationship is built on mutual respect and communication. If you follow proper procedures and communicate your schedule conflicts in a timely and respectful manner, it can help maintain a positive relationship with your tutor and ensure that you get the most out of your lessons.

What if something unexpected occurs in the last minute or just before the scheduled lesson?

Life happens and it’s normal to have unexpected circumstances that occur at the last minute, such as sickness, work, family, internet connection problems, power cuts, etc. In this case, make sure you inform your tutor as soon as possible that you won’t be able to make the lesson. 

The tutor will either cancel or reschedule your lesson, or you can check the tutor’s availability and rebook the session yourself.

What is the earliest / latest notification for lesson booking?

The earliest and latest notification for booking a lesson with a tutor can vary depending on the tutor's policies and your specific arrangement.

Earliest Notification: The earliest you can typically book a lesson with a tutor is usually a few days to a week in advance. Tutors may have a schedule or booking system that allows students to book lessons within this timeframe. Some tutors may even allow bookings further in advance.

Latest Notification: The latest notification for booking a lesson is usually determined by the tutor's cancellation policy. The tutor often require at least 24 to 48 hours' notice if you need to book a lesson. This gives them time to prepare and accommodate your request. Booking a lesson with very short notice, such as a few hours before the lesson, may not always be possible or may incur additional fees, depending on the tutor's policies.

It's essential to discuss these details and understand the tutor's specific booking and cancellation policies when you initially arrange lessons. The policies may be outlined in the tutor's terms and conditions or communicated directly during your discussions.

Keep in mind that tutors have busy schedules, and they may need adequate notice to plan their lessons and accommodate your requests. Therefore, it's in your best interest to book and reschedule lessons with your tutor in a timely and considerate manner to ensure a smooth and productive learning experience and don't forget to mention your time zone.

What if I cannot connect to the class?

The tutor will be waiting for you for 15 minutes to attend the class. During this time, you will be able to contact them via Skype, email, or WhatsApp, explaining the situation and trying together to find an alternative.

How can I contact the tutor?

You can contact the tutor by email, SMS, the online contact form, or WhatsApp. Unfortunately, the tutor will not be able to take any phone calls as she may be in the middle of a class.

Are trial lessons free and can I arrange more than one?

Trial lessons are free and offered to new students. This is a good opportunity to meet and find out if you are a good match for each other.

Trial lesson: one per person.

I welcome any well-intentioned feedback.

Reviews, suggestions or comments of any kind, that include the following won't be considered:

  • Profanity, violent threats, hate speech, sexually explicit material, and comments that are discriminatory or hateful. 
  • The use of personal assaults and accusations directed at the tutor. 
  • Any kind of promotional references and / or services of illegal activities (i.e., explicit content, drugs, prostitution)
  • Any references and/or comments that are unrelated to the reviewer's service experience.
  • Infringement against our intellectual property, privacy / confidentiality, or personal rights.
  • Politically sensitive remarks. 

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Greek Language Lessons Learn Online with a Greek Native Tutor