
Our courses

We provide a range of courses to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.


  • Reading and Writing: You will be taught how to read and write in Greek, progressing from simple words and phrases to more complex sentences and texts.
  • Listening and Speaking: The course may include audio materials to help you   develop your listening and speaking skills in Greek. This could involve dialogues,   exercises, and pronunciation practice.
  • Cultural Context: You will be introduced to Greek culture, customs, and traditions, helping you understand the language in its cultural context.


  • Exercises and Practice: To reinforce your learning, you'll have exercises and  assignments to complete. These may include quizzes, written assignments, and  spoken exercises.
  • Progression: The course will typically start with the basics and gradually build your skills and knowledge, allowing you to communicate effectively in Greek by the end of the course.
  • Resources: You will be provided with recommended textbooks or additional materials to support your learning outside of class.

Conversational Greek

  • Accuracy and Fluency: The aim is to enhance both accuracy and fluency in speaking, writing, listening, and reading in the Greek language. Students are provided with opportunities to practice their speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills.
  • Cultural Awareness: Students are expected to gain a deeper understanding of Greek culture as part of their language-learning journey.
  • Common Expressions: Students will learn how to use expressions and sentences related to personal and family information, work, entertainment, and other relevant topics. In addition to the textbooks, we will utilise supplementary language materials created by the Tutor. The materials may include worksheets, exercises, and other resources.
  • Communication in Everyday Life: Students will learn how to exchange information about their daily lives, and routines, and handle immediate needs effectively.

Greek for your holiday

  • Pronunciation Guidance: Understanding the correct pronunciation of Greek words and phrases is crucial for effective communication. This mini-course may provide audio clips or phonetic guides to assist with this.
  • Cultural Insights: Exploring the language can also provide insights into Greek culture and customs, helping you connect more deeply with the local people and traditions.
  • Practical Exercises: Interactive exercises, quizzes, and real-world scenarios may be included to reinforce your learning and build your confidence in using the language.
  • Travel Tips: In addition to language skills, the mini-course might offer practical travel tips specific to Greece, such as local etiquette, places of interest, and safety advice.

"Greek for your holiday" is for travellers looking to make the most of their trip to Greece by facilitating basic communication and fostering a richer cultural experience.

  • Duration: The course is structured to be completed in 10 lessons, with each lesson lasting 60 minutes. 

Business Greek

  • Course Duration: The course duration is flexible and tailored to fit your schedule, allowing you to start whenever it's convenient for you.
  • Business Communication: Business Greek courses often emphasise effective oral and written communication in a professional setting. This includes practising conversational skills, phone etiquette, and the ability to participate in meetings and negotiations.
  • Email Writing: As email is a common mode of communication in the business world, the course may teach participants how to compose professional emails, including proper formatting, tone, and etiquette.
  • Cultural Awareness: Understanding the cultural nuances specific to Greek-speaking countries is crucial for successful business interactions. The course may cover cultural aspects to help professionals navigate the Greek business environment effectively.

Role-play: To practice real-life business scenarios, role-play exercises may be included, allowing students to apply their language skills in practical situations.

Creative writing

  • Writing Prompts: We will use writing prompts to spark your creativity. These can be themes, images, or even lines from Greek literature that inspire your writing. 
  • Start with Short Pieces: If you're new to creative writing, we will begin with short pieces. Writing short stories or poems can be less daunting than tackling a novel right away. Short pieces also allow you to experiment with different styles and themes.
  • Explore Greek Mythology and History: Greek mythology and history are rich sources of inspiration for creative writing. You can draw upon these themes to create unique stories, poems, or essays.

Remember that creative writing is a journey of self-expression and growth. Be patient with yourself, and don't be afraid to experiment with different styles and genres. Over time, your Greek creative writing skills will improve, and you'll develop your unique voice as a writer.

Greek Music

  • Cultural Context: Understanding the cultural and historical background of each song is crucial. You'll explore how Greek music has been influenced by various cultures, such as Ottoman, Byzantine, and Mediterranean influences, and how it has evolved in different geographical regions of Greece.
  • Geographical Influences: The course will likely discuss how geographical and regional factors have shaped different styles of Greek music. For example, the music of the islands may differ from that of the mainland.
  • Artists and Composers: You'll study the work of notable Greek musicians and composers who have made significant contributions to the country's music scene.
  • Language Skills: As you analyse song lyrics, you'll have the chance to improve your Greek language skills, including vocabulary and comprehension.

Greek Drama & Theatre

  • Greek Tragedy: Understand the characteristics of Greek tragedy, analyse the structure of a typical Greek tragedy, and explore the role of the chorus in Greek tragedy.
  • Greek Comedy: Study the evolution of Greek comedy and analyse the themes and humour used in Aristophanes' comedies.
  • Acting and Performance: Investigate the training and preparation of actors in ancient Greece, learn about the use of masks, costumes, and props in Greek theatre.
  • Theatre Architecture: Examine the design and layout of ancient Greek theatres, including the Acropolis Theatre and Epidaurus Theatre and understand the acoustics and seating arrangements in these amphitheaters.
  • Influence on Modern Theatre: Trace the influence of Greek drama on contemporary theatre and dramatic theory.

News & Media

Listening Skills: Listening to TV news broadcasts and interviews will help students improve their listening comprehension skills. This is crucial for understanding spoken Greek in real-world situations.

Reading Skills: Reading Greek newspapers and blogs will enhance students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and familiarity with different writing styles.

Cultural Context: In addition to language skills, the course may also explore the cultural and societal aspects of Greek media. This can include discussions about current events, political issues, and cultural trends as they are portrayed in the media.

Greek Mythology

Heroes and Heroines

Learn about Greek heroes like Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus, and Theseus, as well as heroines like Atalanta and Medea.

Mythological Creatures and Beings

Explore mythical creatures like the Sphinx, Minotaur, Cyclops, and Chimera.

Greek Myths of Love and Desire

Explore myths of love and desire, such as the stories of Eros and Psyche, Aphrodite and Adonis, and the Trojan War driven by Helen's beauty.


Group classes offer a comprehensive and flexible approach to achieving fluency in the Greek language.

  • Experienced Tutor: Classes are led by native a Greek tutor
  • Weekly Sessions: Classes meet once a week for two hours with a ten-minute break.
  • Small group size: Limiting the class size to 3 students ensures active participation and engagement among learners.
  • Interactive Learning: The focus on chat, audio-visual elements, and interaction among students fosters a dynamic learning environment.
  • Flexibility for Missed Classes: Providing recordings or notes of missed classes enables students to catch up on their own time, ensuring they don't fall behind.
  • Learning Materials: Textbooks, practice activities and other material will be provided to accommodate a range of skill levels, unless otherwise discussed with the students.

Periodical evaluations to ensure that students achieve their goals.

Group tutoring

  • Define Group Goals: We will start by discussing the goals and expectations of the group. Are you learning Greek for travel, work, or personal interest? Define common goals.
  • Assess Individual Levels: Each group member will take a

language test or an assessment to determine their current Greek language skills. This will help gauge the group's overall proficiency level.

  • Regular Group Lessons: Regular group lessons once a week that will be discussed to suit each group student and the tutor.
  • Lesson Structure: Each group lesson will include speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. We will focus on teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and cultural aspects of the Greek language. Group members will be encouraged to interact and participate in discussions and exercises.
  • Homework and Practice: Homework or practice exercises will be assigned and will need to be completed between lessons. Group members and tutor will review and discuss these assignments during the next session.
  • Cultural Immersion: Students will be encouraged to immerse themselves in Greek culture through movies, music, literature, and cultural events. We will discuss cultural topics and engage in activities related to Greek traditions and customs.

General Greek

Phonetics & Spelling







Conversational Greek




News &Media




Greek Drama & Theatre




Creative writing





Greek Music





Greek for your holiday




Business Greek




Greek mythology




Group Tutoring




Up to three students.

Interested in our Greek lessons? We’re here to help!

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Greek Language Lessons Learn Online with a Greek Native Tutor